Avoid Leftovers in Your Dog's Diet

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Avoid Leftovers (Table Scraps) in Your Dog's Diet

We have all done it. Our cute, little furry friend is innocently smiling at us from beneath the kitchen table. The ears are perked and the tail is wagging. We know what our cute dog is after. Just a tiny tidbit from lunch would be delightful, right? What could it hurt? It is just a bite or two in any case. 

Hold Fido's ears he won't want to hear this. A dog's diet really should never contain table scraps. People's food is just that...for people. A dog's nutritional needs are not the same as a human's. Sure, we eat some of the same things, but feeding your pet from the table is one of the biggest mistakes for your dog. A dog's diet doesn't require all the added spices we put into our foods.

Humans have problems with obesity. A dog can have this problem, as well. If your dog's diet consists mostly of scraps from the dining table, the likelihood is that high that your dog will have trouble maintaining a healthy weight. Even a few pounds extra weight can really make a difference in the quality and length of your dog's life. Curb the begging and stick to your guns. 

When you have a dog who is not a picky eater, it can be tempting to let your pet be the garbage disposal in the home, but genuinely, this is not a good idea. Certain Human foods can harm your dog and should never be a part of your dog's diet. 

Grapes, for example, have been known to cause very serious troubles for dogs, sometimes even death. Chicken bones and popcorn can also be trouble for your dog. Permitting huge quantities of chocolate can be dangerous in a dog's diet. 

A poor diet even shows up a call in the yard. When your dog's diet is not at its best, your pet's outputs will be bigger in size, smell, and mess. The benefits of choosing a healthy diet for your dog will be easily recognizable in your pet's health, as well as, during those walks around the block. 

There are a few occasions when a supplement or treat from the kitchen may be excused, but never in excess. Talk to your veterinarian doctor about healthy snacks for your dog's diet. 

If you merely must continue feeding Fido at the table, many vets recommend you give your pet ice cubes or pieces of carrot to munch on between scheduled feeding times. 

Providing your pet these healthy alternatives to pizza and cupcakes gives you the liberty to choose a healthy and nutritious snack for your dog's diet. 

So, the next time your beloved dog starts eyeing your grub, redirect his or her focus. Don't reach for your fatty steak or chicken drumstick. Instead, toss your buddy a cool, refreshing cube to bat around and munch on. 

A couple of baby carrots will make Fido happy and leave you feeling good about your choices for the nutritional value of your dog's diet. You will know that you are doing your best to manage a high-quality diet for your pet.

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