Dog grooming guide for Beginners

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Dog grooming guide for Beginners

Grooming is one of the important activities to be known well by the dog owner. If the dog owner isn't having knowledge of the grooming, then the dog may encounter many sorts of diseases. 

The first steps of grooming consist of activities like maintenance of coat, nails, and ears of the dog. The maintenance of the coat majorly involves the enrichment measures like proper bathing, combing, drying of skin by dryers, and more. 

The Dog shouldn't be bathed daily and this helps to guard the skin’s characteristics like insulation feature. 

Use conditioners and shampoos that are made exclusively for dogs. Combing must be administered with a soft brush meant to be used just in case of dogs. 

There are sorts of brushes available and according to the sort of breeds, one can use the concerned brush. This grooming of the coat by a comb must be administered daily and therefore the fallen hair if any must be immediately placed in a dust bin always. 

Otherwise, when the dog owners turn on the fan, the hair will fly and should enter the nostrils of humans and other pets. 

Always don’t clip too much nail as this may cause injuries to nail always. Similarly, you need to carry all the materials required for the clipping with you before the start of the procedure. 

Use a pointy clipper designed to be used just in case of dogs. It is better to possess the dog on the raised place and hence, the control of the dog is simpler. 

Ear canals are to be checked up frequently and sterile cotton could also be used for cleaning purposes. 

Grooming associated guidelines have to be followed strictly by the dog owners & caretakers

Nail-maintenance is one of the primary steps of Dog grooming activities. Live nail areas are often easily clipped away and are always light-colored than the reddish area of the nail within the higher position. 

During the holding of your dog's feet by you or anyone, always have a firm grip. If not, the dog will take an upper hand during the clipping and a few injuries may occur.

Before you start any grooming, be sure you are ready with the following tools:
  • A comb, shedding blade or brush (depends on dog’s coat)
  • A table with an arm to secure the dog to (never leave a dog unattended on the table)
  • Nail clippers or a micro grinder
  • Clippers for grooming 
  • Grooming shears
  • Clipper and blade coolant
  • Styptic powder (Precautionary for nail bleed)

Ways to Remove Matted Dog Hair

Matted dog hair will be painful for dogs, so avoid matting by brushing the dog’s coat periodically. Rather going to the dog grooming center, so that you can save some bucks and master to remove matted hair yourself. Sincere advise is matted fur should be remedied by a professional dog groomer only.

Follow these simple techniques to remove snarled, tangled, matted dog hair:

Spray detangler solution, If the mat isn’t too bad and use a comb to slowly work the mat free. Start from the outside of the mat (from the hair isn’t tangled) and slowly untangle the hair without forcing.

If the mat isn’t coming out with a comb, you can try cutting via the mat with a mat rake. Be cautious when using the tool as it has sharp tines on it — you want to alleviate your dog’s pain from mats; don’t put your dog in worse pain by cutting or scratching with the rake.

If the mat rake can’t cut it (if at all), try using a mat splitter. Try by splitting the mat into horizontal or vertical strips and then utilize either a mat rake or a comb to tackle the smaller pieces independently. (Be very gentle! the tool has a sharp blade and can slice the dog’s skin.)

If the mat is in the bad shape, then try a guarded electric clipper to smoothly shave it away.

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